Quiz – Do You And Your Partner Share Hidden Fantasies?

Mojo Upgrade is an interactive sex questionnaire for couples. It presents a list of sexual fantasies to both partners separately and has them indicate their level of interest. After the couple has finished the survey, the site compares the answers. If you both gave a positive response to an activity, then the site shares it;…

Electricity, Safety and the Nothing Above The Waist Rule

By Dean of Seattle There is a general rule in electrical play: Nothing Above The Waist. This rule can, however, be broken, in specific instances, with strict adherence to procedure. If you aren’t willing to play by the rules in this area though, this article isn’t for you this time. Above the waist is not…

Illustrated Guide: Two Column Ties

Shibari/Kinbaku/Rigger online groups can be a scary place to be when you’re starting out in rope bondage. Things get very complex, very fast, and you can add to that some Japanese terminology, disputes over the “best” way to do one tie or another and even opposing camps regarding what types of rope to use. If…

Underneath Conflict and Frustration

Recently, my Master and i have bumped into some difficult situations in our long distance M/s dynamic. We have been making some deliberate changes to the control and management parts of our relationship, and in the past two weeks we have had to take time out for some intense discussions almost every two to three…

Pleasure Spankings and Erotic Pain

by Author Unknown Erotic pain is something that is very difficult to explain unless there is something inside of you that draws you toward it. Many subs crave it, it settles them down. I’m sure you know many endorphins are released in the body when it is “stressed” during a spanking or more intense activities…

Illustrated Guide – French Bowline

  If you’re a rescue worker or boy scout, this illustration may not be what you are expecting, so to get the confusion out of the way first, there are two different ties called a French Bowline. The French Bowline used in rescue work is a variation of the Simple Bowline, which forms two loops…

Spiritual Experiences in Kink: Reconfiguring the Order of Everyday Life

This builds on our previous article “Spiritual Love(and Kink, and Other Mind Exploring Stuff”. What makes that moment spiritual? And, how do we explain such an experience? i think many of us have discovered some kind of unique moment of spirituality during BDSM activities. We’re probably all familiar with subspace and Domspace, but is there something…