There are two types of articles on this site:
- articles by guest authors
- articles by boydenon and Master Marc
Guest Authors
We are unable to give permission to reproduce writing by our guest authors but we have tried, where possible, to include their contact information with the articles. Please contact them directly. If you can’t find a contact then let us know and we’ll try to help.
Our Own Content
Most of the articles on the Deviance & Desire site are original content by us.
We are not a commercial site and our only intention with Deviance & Desire is to contribute to (and learn from) the kink community and be part of the wider conversation. It’s our privilege to have a voice.
We have had many requests to republish or use work from this site elsewhere, particularly by community groups. Our response is always “Please, please use it. Take it with our blessing.”
Unfortunately, we’ve also had a few commercial sites scrape us without permission for content to help them sell advertising or adult toys or webcam services (we’ve even appeared in different languages)! We’re not so happy about that.
So, we’ve thought long and hard about what kind of copyright we wish to place on our words and we’ve settled on a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

What this means:
You are welcome to use part or all of any article or original graphics attributed to either boydenon or Master Marc on this site for non-commercial purposes, provided you give attribution to this site.
If you are a community group or organisation and you charge membership fees, an entry fee to your event or a cost for your handouts or publication then we consider that to be non-commercial. You have our full support. Please take anything you need!
Under this Creative Commons license you may:
- republish the article online or in print
- make oral recordings or translation of it into languages other than English
- remix, adapt, and build upon the work
We ask that you:
- attribute the work to Deviance & Desire: (there is no need to credit the author name as we are writing under pseudonyms)
- include in the attribution that it is used under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence
That’s all. We’d love to hear from you if you’ve reused something, but that’s up to you.
Images on the Site
We hold the copyright for some of the images on the site but not others, so we are unable to give blanket permission to reproduce these, but if you contact us we will try to help.